Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Same Blog, New Name

Quite a lot has happened since I last posted.

I birthed my third child, finished my degree, closed an old business, co-opened a new one, had three surgeries, and built onto my house. Family drama ensued, which it tends to do, with hearts broken and mended. Homeschooling my littles takes up most of my days along with working on several websites, writing an upcoming local herb class, making products for the store, working on the house/garden/yard, caring for animals, wildcrafting ... IT NEVER ENDS.

When did being insanely busy become the new normal? I finally decided enough is enough. I remember when blogging was a joy for me, and not something I had to forcibly wedge into the end of my day with a crowbar. I love people, and I love sharing what I consider to be a truly blessed life.

Expect to see lots of farm and garden photos, herbal medicine making, health and bodycare how-to's, free recipes, tons of plant love, homeschool adventures and lots more! I'm so happy you stopped by. I sure hope you come back soon :-)


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