Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The City Biddy Hen House

Here on the farm we are fortunate to have our own free-range laying hens and enjoy fresh organic eggs every day! If you have an itch to keep your own hens but have limited space, check out this article my best friend Melissa found on ubuilderplans.com about building your own compact, portable hen house! Noisy, wake-the-neighbors roosters not required, unless you're just absolutely dying to hatch some chicks.

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Melissa said...

Uh huh.

farmfresh said...

Thanks for linking to my website!

I am always happy to meet other like minded individuals. I wanted to invite other people interested in chickens and other poultry to use my Poultry 101 question and answer section. If you don't find the answer to your question - just ask and I will try my best to help.

I am also trying to promote the new victory garden idea that we are calling Gasoline Gardens. A modern victory by saving the fuel and energy that are expended by trucking our produce all over the world. We want people to eat locally and if possible grow their own foods. Thanks again, Farmfresh http://www.ubuilderplans.com

Unknown said...

You are so welcome, and thank YOU for providing such wonderful information! The City Biddy Hen House is just fantastic and I get 'hits' from readers wanting to know about it quite frequently.

I love the Gasoline Gardens idea! A modern victory, indeed. I agree with everything you said. It's hard to get some people to see the importance of locally grown food, but I think that particular tide is turning. Thank you so much for stopping by .. I hope you visit again soon! :D