Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mr. Monarch Butterfly

I wonder where you've been, and where you're going.

I hope you enjoyed your visit to my garden!

You're a bit tattered and torn, but beautiful still, and always welcome here. I hope I'll see you again soon.

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CatHerder said...

I dont recall seeing many of the monarchs this season, until this week when the weather turned im seeing TONS of them..i even saw one on the beach today!

KrisMrsBBradley said...

Just found your blog and I just love it! I'm so jealous of your farm :O)

Unknown said...

CatHerder, I know what you mean ... we're all of a sudden covered in them, too! It's wonderful! :)

mrsb, thank you so much! I visited your blog, too, and I love it! I have my own Tanner and thought the, "Where the hell is Tanner?" posts were fantastic. And congrats on being out of the broom closet ;) I'll be back!

Farmchick said...

I liked your post...that was pretty cool! Thanks for stopping by my blog...come back! I will do the same.